Stepping into uncharted territory

We’re pretty much in lockdown and stepping into uncharted territory.

Our lives have been upended and we’re being told that we need to stay inside our homes. We can’t dine out, go shopping, do a workout at the gym, catch a game of footy, meet the gang for drinks, or take in a Saturday morning Park Run.

So, what the hell are we supposed to do with ourselves for the next few months?

The politicians and medical experts are suggesting that this could be our new normal for the next six months!

Six bloody months! Thinking about it. That seems like an eternity!

While the introverts among us have been training for this for years. This is their time to shine. They will embrace the solitude; they will enjoy the reduction of stress that comes from forcing themselves into a far too ‘peopley’ world. They are used to lounging around in their pj’s, exploring the world on their own, reading their books, and avoiding the big dinner parties, the crowded bars and local events. They truly enjoy their own company over crowds and don’t crave the energy and interaction that their extrovert counterparts do.

But what about those extroverts among us? What the fuck are we supposed to do? What will fill us back up? What will keep our attention? Where will we find our platforms, our stages, our tribes? Where will we find our social currency? Our energy?

How are the extroverts going to deal with being subject to what can only feel like “house arrest”? I think this is going to be incredibly tough on the extrovert population.

Personally, I tend to waffle between my introvert and extrovert tendencies. The actual term for this is an “ambivert”. And, either as a result of circumstances or age, I have become more introverted with age.

But, just the thought of this type of social isolation sends me into a panic. I have had to spend the better part of the past few months in relative isolation due to painful arthritis and foot injuries. And that took a huge emotional toll on me.

I have read books, watched far too much television both of the free-to-air and Netflix varieties. I have called friends and my sister regularly. I have cleaned out cupboards, drawers, closets and wardrobes and made donations to charities. I watched YouTube videos, spent time on social media, sorted through old photos, organised my online files, and sorted and sifted and organised.

So, all those little jobs that people are saying that they’ll conquer now with all this newly found free time at home, I’ve already done. I was looking forward to embracing everything that I had been missing.

So, what am I going to do? I am already writing every day. Thankfully, I am so, so, so lucky to have a great job that I can embrace each day. We are a fully remote arrangement, so I am truly blessed to have this continuity, support and connection with both teammates and clients.

But even in this circumstance, I don’t want to just fill my days with work.

I guess I could turn attention to my plants and yard work. I could do paint and repair touchups around the house. I could develop a regular workout program. I could discover new recipes. I could further pare back my wardrobe and make donations as I suspect there will be an even greater need for donations given the impact on our economy.

I could bring out my paints and make some art. I can continue to read for pleasure and write as well. I could continue to learn a new language with my Duolingo app and learn new skills via YouTube videos. Maybe I could learn to play an instrument or learn how to dance.

I hope that I can still go out for walks on the beach and in parks and for long drives.

I know I will miss in-person hugs. I will miss the hum of the city pulse. I am crushed that I will not get to experience the colourful lights, displays and ideas that is our beloved VIVID festival. I will miss my ferry rides. I will miss visiting my favourite restaurants. I am brokenhearted that the plans I had to return to Canada for a few months have been put on hold.

I know I am not alone in this. And, I am not complaining but reflecting on what this will mean to how I live my life.

And, I also know that I am so blessed for what I do have. I have a home. I have a job. I have my health. I have my husband and my family and so far everyone I know and love is healthy.

I am blessed. So, with that as my foundation, I will make the very best of these uncharted times ahead. I will draw on my creativity and compassion and look for ways to help improve the lives of those who may not be so fortunate.

When I get upset and start to feel sorry for myself, when the tears come, and when I am missing the joys of life before and outside of isolation, I will try and focus my mind on gratitude to get me through the tough bits. And, I will draw on my creativity and my hopefulness to do what I can to craft a brighter future.

What steps will you take? What will you do to get you through this?

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